Introduction to Java
Data handling and functions
Object-oriented programming in Java
Data Abst Data Abstraction
Collection Framework
List Interface with Array List,
LinkedList, Vector
Set Interface with HashSet, Tree Set,
Map Inte Map Interface with HashMap
File handling
Module 10: API Testing (6 Hours)
Overview of API Testing
Benefits of API Testing
Understanding different tools / app’s available
for API testing
Different types of requests available in API testing
Understanding response status code
Installation of postman
Creating get request
Creating post request
Creating update request
Creating delete request
Running multiple test cases at a time using collections
Inserting assertions for a test case
Viewing test result
Introduction to software testing
Software development process
Levels and types of testing
Testing techniques
Testing process and test case writing
Bug reporting, Test metrics, RTM, and
test envi test environment
Web testing, DB testing, and cloud testing
Selenium and its Components
Selenium WebDriver and Locators
Interacting with Web Elements Part-I and
Waits in Selenium
Interacting with Web Elements Part-II
Interacting with Web Elements Part-III
Robot Class Robot Class to handle window operations
TestNG Framework
Automation Frameworks-I
Automation Frameworks-II
Page Object Model
BDD Framework with Cucumber
and Selenium Grid
Fundamentals of web services
Introduction to API testing
Postman basics
Postman advanced topics
Postman Newman
REST assured basics
REST API testing
JSON manipulation
REST framework
Introduction To Mobile Testing
Introduction To Appium
Automating the Application Management
Actions and Synchronization
Automating the Gestures and Key Events
Handling using Appium
Network Management and Network Management and Performance
Analysis using Appium
Automating Hybrid and Native Apps
Introduction to Javascript, DOM and writing
JavaScript Program
JavaSCript Variables,Data Types and Operator
Conditional Statements: If-else, Switch case
Looping statements: While, Dowhile and For loop
Functions in JavaScript
Working with Objects in JavaScript
Arrays in JavaScript
Strings and Numbers in JavaScript
OOP Concepts in JavaScript
Converting JSON Object to JavaScript
What is cypress
Understanding cypress architecture and benefits
Selenium vs Cypress -Comparison
Downloading and Installing Cypress
Quick tour of Cypress Test Runner and
configuration files
What is Cyp What is Cypress Test Runner
Write your first Cypress Test
Electron Difference between Cypress and cy
Cypress locator strategies and how to
construct them
Cypress inbuilt plugin in test Runner to
generate locators
Basic Asse Basic Assertion in writing the tests with Cypress
Interacting with Elements , Radio Buttons and
Interacting with Dropdown – Use of Select class,
Auto-suggest option
What is Playwright
How To Install Playwright
How To Write First Playwright Test Case
With Assertion
How To Write Login Test In Playwright | Interact
With Web Element In Playwright
How To Get Text In Playwright | Verify Text
In Playwright
How To Maximize Browser Window In
playwright | Viewport In Playwright
How To Take Screenshots | Videos | Trace Files
in Playwright
How To Record And Play Scripts In Playwright
| Playwright Test Generator| Codegen Playwright
Handle Dropdown In Playwright And Verify
Dropdown Values
Capstone Project using Selenium, Maven, and
TestNG Framework ---> E-commerce Application domain
Capstone project using Selenium, Maven, and
TestNG Framework ---> Human Resource Management domain
Capstone project using Selenium, Maven,
TestNG, and REST Assured Framework ---> Telecom domain
Module 12: SQL (20 Hours)
Introduction to Data Base and why we need data base
Different data bases available in market
SQL introduction and Data Definition Language (DDL)
Relation Database Management System (RDBMS)
Create Database objects
Data Types in SQL
Alter Table Statements
Drop Table Statements
Various Constraints
Creating Views
Create Table with Predefine Columns
Add New Column to Existing Table
Check the constraints on a table
Add Primary Key and Foreign Key on Table
Remove Unique Constraint
Module 11: Mobile Automation using Appium (8 Hours)
Introduction To Mobile Automation
Various tools for mobile application
What is Appium?
Why to choose Appium over other tools
What all can be tested with Appium?
WebDriver Wire protocol
Hybrid Apps
Native Apps and WebApps
Module 10: API Testing (6 Hours)
Overview of API Testing
Benefits of API Testing
Understanding different tools / app’s available for API testing
Different types of requests available in API testing
Understanding response status code
Installation of postman
Creating get request
Creating post request
Creating update request
Creating delete request
Running multiple test cases at a time using collections
Inserting assertions for a test case
Viewing test result
Module 9: Continuous Integration Using Jenkin (1 Hour)
Overview of Continuous Integration
Difference between Continuous vs
Traditional Integration
Overview of Jenkins
Jenkins Master-Slave Architecture
Jenkins Installation and Configuration
Jenkins Plugins
Jenkins Management
Jenkins Freestyle and Pipeline Jobs
Module 8: Understanding and Using Build Tools (2 Hours)
Overview of Various Build Tools
What is Maven
Maven Architecture
Maven Plugins
Maven Archetypes
Maven Commands
Setting up Maven Applications
Module 7: Managing Source Code – Git (2 Hours)
Overview of Version Control System
Central vs Distributed Version Control System
Introduction to Git
Installation and setting up Git
Important Git Commands
Module 5: Cucumber Framework (5 Hours)
Overview of Cucumber
Installation of Cucumber
Adding Dependency of Cucumber
Architecture of Cucumber
Understanding of Gherkin language keywords
Creating future file
Writing test cases in Cucumber
Running test cases
Module 4: TestNG (5 Hours)
Overview of TestNG
Annotation of TestNG
Creating Test Suite
Execution of Test Suite
Creating groups
Execution of test case with groups
Creating TestNG.xml file
Parallel of Test Cases
Understanding of test results
Running only failed test cases
Module 3: Selenium (20 Hours)
Introduction to Automation
Introduction to Selenium
Selenium Components & Brief Introduction to each component
Selenium Web Driver
Synchronization in WebDriver
Handling Alerts & Windows
Configuring other Browsers
Data Driven Testing