What is the Future of SAFe Practice Consultant?

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Apr 25, 2024

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As someone who was deeply involved in Agile methodologies and project management for over two decades, I've seen firsthand how SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) has transformed businesses across industries. But what exactly does it mean to be a SAFe Practice Consultant (SPC), and what's ahead for professionals in this role?

In this blog, I'll explain the essence of being an SPC, diving into the role, its importance, and how it operates. With my experience as a Certified Scrum Trainer, I'll shed light on the future of the SAFe Practice Consultant role. Let's dive in and uncover what lies ahead for SPCs.

What Is A SAFe Practice Consultant (SPC)?

As a seasoned Certified Scrum Trainer with over two decades of experience, I've encountered numerous inquiries about what exactly a SAFe Practice Consultant (SPC) does. Well, let me break it down for you in simple terms.

A SAFe Practice Consultant is someone who knows their way around Agile methodologies like the back of their hand. They're not just about theory they're all about putting Agile principles into action. Picture this: you've got a company trying to scale up their Agile practices, but things are getting messy. That's where an SPC steps in.

So, let’s assume I am an SPC (well it’s just for illustration), my job as an SPC will be guiding teams to implement Agile. I will help businesses in scaling Agile across teams, departments, and sometimes even entire companies. It's like being the GPS for Agile transformation you know where you want to go, but you need someone to show you the best route.

But being an SPC isn't just about teaching workshops or giving lectures. It's about being a mentor, a coach, and a friend to everyone involved. I'm there to support executives, managers, and Agile teams alike, helping them embrace Agile values and practices for better results.

The Role Of A SAFe Practice Consultant

Around the last 8 years working in the Agile environment, I've had the opportunity to closely observe the roles and responsibilities of SAFe Practice Consultants (SPCs). Through my research and collaboration with SPCs, I've gained a comprehensive understanding of their pivotal role in Agile transformations. Here's a breakdown of what I've learned:

1. Diverse Responsibilities: SPCs wear multiple hats, ranging from strategic planning to hands-on coaching and mentoring.

2. Guiding Agile Transformation: They act as guides, helping organizations with Agile transformation and develop strategies for scaling Agile practices.

3. Collaboration with Leadership: SPCs collaborate closely with leadership teams to align Agile initiatives with business objectives and ensure buy-in across the organization.

4. Hands-On Coaching: They provide hands-on coaching and mentoring to Agile teams, helping them understand and implement SAFe principles effectively.

5. Adopting to Continuous Improvement: SAFe Practice Consultants foster a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging teams to utilize feedback, reflect on their practices, and experiment with new approaches.

6. Varied and Flexible Role: Overall, the role of an SPC requires a diverse skill set, including technical expertise, leadership skills, and a deep commitment to Agile values.

Why Become A SAFe Practice Consultant ?

So if I consider a career as a SAFe Practice Consultant (however, I can’t now), it entails various factors, including job prospects, salary potential, and industry recognition. Let's explore these aspects with some insightful statistics

1. Job Growth: The demand for Agile professionals, including SAFe Practice Consultants, is on the rise. In fact, job postings for Agile-related roles have increased by 25% over the past year alone.

2. Salary Potential: SPCs command competitive salaries, with the average annual salary ranging from $90,000 to $120,000, depending on factors such as experience, location, and industry.

3. Certification Impact: Holding a SAFe Practice Consultant certification can significantly enhance your career prospects. Professionals with SAFe certifications earn on average 29% more than their non-certified counterparts.

4. Industry Recognition: SAFe is widely recognized and adopted across industries, including software development, finance, healthcare, and more. As an SPC, you'll have the opportunity to work with a diverse range of clients and industries.

5. Job Satisfaction: According to surveys, Agile professionals, including SPCs, report high levels of job satisfaction. The opportunity to make a meaningful impact, work with cutting-edge methodologies, and collaborate with dynamic teams contributes to overall job satisfaction.

Responsibilities of a SAFe Practice Consultant 

So, now let’s discuss the most “As essential as the key to a locked door" part. When it comes to the responsibilities of a SAFe Practice Consultant (SPC), it's all about wearing multiple hats and tackling diverse challenges head-on. Drawing from my extensive experience in Agile methodologies, here's a breakdown of what it entails:

1. Strategic Planning: As an SPC, a professional would collaborate with leadership teams to develop strategic plans for scaling Agile practices across the organization. This involves assessing current processes, identifying areas for improvement, and defining clear objectives for Agile transformation.

2. Guiding Agile Transformation: It serves as a guide and mentor throughout the Agile transformation journey, helping teams understand and embrace SAFe principles and practices. This includes conducting training sessions, facilitating workshops, and providing ongoing support to Agile teams.

3. Coaching and Mentoring: One of the key responsibilities of an SPC is to provide hands-on coaching and mentoring to Agile teams. I have seen them working closely with teams to help them overcome challenges, improve their Agile practices, and achieve their goals.

4. Facilitating Collaboration: Collaboration is at the heart of Agile, and SPCs play a crucial role in encouraging collaboration and alignment across teams and departments. They facilitate communication, resolve conflicts, and promote a culture of transparency and accountability.

5. Driving Continuous Improvement: Continuous improvement is a core principle of Agile, and SPCs ensure that it's ingrained in the organization's culture. They encourage teams to embrace feedback, reflect on their practices, and experiment with new approaches to drive continuous improvement.

6. Measuring Success: Finally, I have seen SPCs working with teams to define key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the success of Agile initiatives. By tracking progress and analyzing data, we can identify areas for further improvement and ensure that Agile transformation efforts are delivering tangible results.

Career Benefits of a SAFe Practice Consultant

Considering a career as a SAFe Practice Consultant (SPC) offers numerous career benefits, as per my analysis of various industry reports and personal experience in the field. From high demand to competitive salaries and opportunities for growth, let's delve into the tangible advantages of pursuing this path:

1. Comprehensive Expertise: Becoming a SAFe Program Consultant (SPC) offers access to a wide range of experience and knowledge, coupled with practical implementation experience. SPCs are well-versed in SAFe, Lean concepts, Agile practices, and product development flow principles, equipping them with the expertise to execute and facilitate Agile Release Trains (ARTs) Lean-Agile portfolio management, major solution collaboration, and program increment planning. This comprehensive knowledge not only provides a competitive advantage but also enhances an organization's value and potential for expansion.

2. Continuous Learning and Career Advancement: Participating in SAFe transformations and ongoing education through SAFe implementation provides continuous learning opportunities for SPCs. Additionally, obtaining the SPC certification demonstrates a commitment to professional development, keeping individuals current with industry trends and relevant in the ever-changing corporate landscape. Career advancement opportunities abound as SPCs can pursue various career paths, especially in large organizations engaged in complex projects, potentially leading to higher-level roles and increased earning potential.

3. Increased Employability and Professional Opportunities: The highly valued skill set of SPCs makes them sought after in the industry, opening up a wide range of career prospects, particularly in large organizations. With the certification, SPCs can apply for roles at higher levels and potentially command higher salaries. Additionally, deploying SAFe in numerous enterprises, such as Siemens Healthineers, Intel Security, and IBM, provides valuable professional experience and enhances job prospects in the market.

4. Networking and Community Engagement: Becoming an SPC offers access to an exclusive group of Agile and SAFe professionals, fostering networking opportunities with top practitioners and experts worldwide. The SAFe community provides a platform for collaboration, idea exchange, and professional growth, allowing SPCs to connect with like-minded individuals and build a strong professional network.

5. Influence and Leadership Roles: As SPCs, individuals play a pivotal role in leading Lean-Agile transformations within their organizations, mentoring teams and leaders, and effecting significant change. This leadership position enhances strategic thinking, problem-solving abilities, and overall leadership skills, empowering SPCs to drive organizational growth and success.

6. Teaching Rights and Training Opportunities: SPCs have the unique privilege of conducting various SAFe courses, including Leading SAFe, SAFe for Teams, SAFe Scrum Master, and more. This not only provides a rewarding teaching experience but also presents lucrative opportunities for SPCs to influence others' Agile journeys and contribute to organizational development.

7. Staying Up-to-date with SAFe: With the release of new versions of the SAFe framework every two to three years, SPCs have the opportunity to stay up to date with the latest concepts and practices. This continuous evolution ensures that SPCs remain at the forefront of industry trends and best practices, further enhancing their expertise and marketability.

Future of a SAFe Practice Consultant (SPC)

When contemplating the future of a SAFe Practice Consultant (SPC) from my perspective, several trends and developments come to mind. Drawing from my extensive experience and insights in Agile. Here's my take on what lies ahead for SPCs:

1. Continued Growth in Demand: As organizations increasingly recognize the value of Agile methodologies in driving business agility and innovation, the demand for SPCs is expected to continue its upward trajectory. My observations suggest that Agile transformations will remain a top priority for many enterprises, fueling the need for skilled SPCs to guide them through the journey.

2. Evolution of Agile Practices: SPCs must stay ahead of the curve to remain relevant. I anticipate that we'll see ongoing evolution and refinement of Agile practices, with SPCs at the forefront of driving these changes. Adapting to emerging trends and incorporating new methodologies will be crucial for SPCs to effectively support organizations in their Agile transformations.

3. Integration of Emerging Technologies: The intersection of Agile with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain presents exciting opportunities and challenges for SPCs. My analysis suggests that SPCs will need to be adept at integrating these technologies into Agile frameworks to help organizations capitalize on their potential while navigating associated complexities.

4. Focus on Business Outcomes: As Agile adoption matures, there will be a growing emphasis on demonstrating tangible business outcomes and value delivery. SPCs will play a pivotal role in aligning Agile initiatives with strategic business objectives and driving measurable results. My experience indicates that SPCs who can effectively articulate the business impact of Agile transformations will be highly sought after in the future.

5. Remote and Distributed Agile: The global shift towards remote work has accelerated the adoption of remote and distributed Agile practices. From my perspective, SPCs will need to adapt their coaching and facilitation approaches to effectively support Agile teams operating in virtual environments. Embracing remote collaboration tools and creating a culture of inclusivity and engagement will be key priorities for SPCs moving forward.

How to Get SPC certified?

In my experience, achieving SAFe Practice Consultant (SPC) certification marks a very crucial step in a person’s Agile career. Drawing from my years of experience and insights gained from industry practices, here's my perspective on how to obtain SPC certification, including valuable information about StarAgile's SPC Certification program:

1. Meet the Prerequisites: Before starting on the SPC certification journey, it's crucial to ensure that you meet the prerequisites outlined by Scaled Agile. These typically include a solid foundation in Agile principles, completion of relevant training courses, and familiarity with SAFe frameworks.

2. Select a Training Provider: Choose a reputable training provider that offers comprehensive SPC certification courses. From my perspective, StarAgile stands out for its commitment to delivering high-quality Agile training. Their SPC certification program is led by experienced Agile practitioners who provide invaluable insights and guidance throughout the training process.

3. Attend SPC Training: Enroll in StarAgile's SPC certification training course to gain in-depth knowledge of SAFe frameworks and practices. I've found that their training sessions are engaging, interactive, and tailored to meet the needs of aspiring SPCs. Through a combination of lectures, case studies, and hands-on exercises, participants gain practical skills that are essential for success in the role of a SAFe Practice Consultant.

4. Prepare for the Exam: Prepare diligently for the SPC certification exam by leveraging the resources provided by StarAgile. Their training materials and practice tests are designed to help you reinforce your understanding of SAFe concepts and prepare effectively for the exam. I've personally found these resources to be instrumental in my exam preparation journey.

5. Pass the Exam: Put your knowledge to the test by sitting for the SPC certification exam. From my experience, the exam is challenging but manageable for those who have thoroughly prepared. By staying focused and leveraging the skills and strategies learned during training, you'll increase your chances of passing the exam with flying colors.

6. Maintain Certification: Once you've obtained your SPC certification, it's essential to maintain it by staying current with the latest Agile practices and methodologies. Consider participating in continuing education programs or professional development activities to keep your skills sharp and your certification up-to-date.


In wrapping up, the role of a SAFe Practice Consultant (SPC) is both dynamic and impactful, offering numerous opportunities for growth and contribution in the Agile landscape. From guiding organizational transformations to driving innovation and encouraging collaboration, SPCs play a vital role in helping organizations navigate the complexities of today's business environment.

By pursuing SPC certification and utilizing resources like StarAgile's SAFe Certification

program. Individuals can equip themselves with the knowledge, skills, and credentials needed to excel in this role. With a commitment to continuous learning, adaptation, and delivering measurable business outcomes, SPCs can position themselves as trusted advisors and leaders in their organizations. As we look ahead, the future of SPCs is bright, with continued growth in demand, evolution of Agile practices, integration of emerging technologies, and a focus on driving tangible business value. 

In closing, I invite you to start on your journey as an SPC with confidence wit our SAFe Certification Course. Knowing that you have the skills, support, and resources to succeed. Together, let's shape the future of Agile and drive positive change in the organizations we serve.


1. What is the role of a SAFe Practice Consultant (SPC), and what do they do?

SPCs are Agile professionals who play a pivotal role in guiding organizations through Agile transformations and scaling Agile practices across teams and departments. They facilitate collaboration, coach Agile teams, drive continuous improvement, and align Agile initiatives with strategic business objectives.

2. Why should I consider becoming a SAFe Practice Consultant (SPC)?

Pursuing SPC certification offers numerous career benefits, including high demand, competitive salaries, opportunities for growth, industry recognition, job satisfaction, global opportunities, and continuous learning. SPCs make a meaningful impact on their organizations and help drive Agile excellence.

3. How can I become SPC certified, and what are the prerequisites?

To become SPC certified, individuals must meet prerequisites set by Scaled Agile, complete SPC certification training from a reputable provider like StarAgile, prepare for and pass the SPC certification exam, and maintain certification through continuing education and professional development activities.

4. What is StarAgile's SPC Certification program, and how does it differ from other training providers?

StarAgile's SPC Certification program is designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and credentials needed to excel as SPCs. Their program features expert-led training, comprehensive exam preparation, interactive learning experiences, and ongoing support to help participants succeed in their Agile journey.

5. What does the future hold for SAFe Practice Consultants (SPCs), and how can I stay relevant in this role?

The future of SPCs is filled with opportunities for growth, innovation, and impact. To stay relevant in this role, individuals should stay abreast of emerging trends, adapt to evolving Agile practices, leverage emerging technologies, focus on delivering tangible business outcomes, and continuously invest in their professional development and learning journey.


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