Product Owner Anti Patterns are recurring actions or patterns that Product Owners do in Agile projects that might obstruct teamwork, slow down development, and harm the overall success of the product. For Product Owners to increase their effectiveness, align with Agile principles, and promote successful project results, it is essential to understand and recognise these patterns. In order to promote a more effective and efficient Agile product development process, this article examines several anti-patterns and offers thoughts on how to overcome
For Agile/Scrum approaches to be successfully implemented within an organisation, the Product Owner's position is essential. The adoption and scaling of Agile across teams must be done with a clear knowledge of the Product Owner's duties and responsibilities.
Unfortunately, a lot of Product Owners unknowingly engage in anti-patterns, which are behaviours that go against the fundamental tenets of the Scrum Guide and ultimately impede development. In order to prevent making the same mistakes twice, it is crucial for product owners to learn from past mistakes. For further development, look at CSPO online certification. This article identifies typical Product Owner anti-patterns and offers remedies for each, providing helpful insights for job enhancement.
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PO Anti-Patterns
1. Busy or Missing Product Owner
Product Owners must make themselves accessible to all parties, including the Scrum Master, customers, developers, and stakeholders. Being approachable enables timely exchange of critical information and rapid explanation of pressing concerns. Since the development team depends on the Product Owner's input and leadership for successful execution, it is imperative that their availability does not impede their progress.
2. Calling the Sprint Review a Sprint Demo
The Development Team, Product Owner (PO), and Scrum Master assess their performance and monitor their advancement towards the sprint goals during the Sprint Review. This is an excellent chance to confirm the Product Backlog's prioritisation and make sure that each item is maximising productivity and value. It is important to keep in mind that the review's relevance goes beyond that of a simple Sprint Demo and could not exactly match the situation.
3. Expressing the backlog in Technical user stories instead of focusing on business-related user stories
Although it's crucial to give technological features their proper consideration, the main focus of User Stories should be on dealing with business-related issues. Prioritising business requirements will naturally align and be addressed in a way that makes sense. As a result, it is critical that the Product Owner (PO) continually gives top priority to user stories that directly advance the corporate goals.
4. Writing detailed user stories
The natural progression of user stories across succeeding sprints is hampered by excessive specificity, which limits negotiation and flexibility. When user stories are extremely detailed from the beginning, the development team has little room to suggest modifications, which prevents future advancement. Open-ended user stories that provide adaptation and change throughout the development process are crucial to maintaining team involvement and encouraging ongoing progress.
5. Questioning the estimates given by the Dev Team
The Development team is in the greatest position to make exact estimates for the length of each assignment since they have the most thorough understanding of their own capabilities. It might be considered an incursion into the Product Owner's specified position and duties when they get involved in the estimating process.
6. Not having clear acceptance criteria for every story
It might be difficult to complete tasks effectively when user stories lack clear approval criteria. It is extremely desirable to develop precise specifications for user stories at the beginning of the refining cycle or as early as feasible in the process to encourage actual progress.
7. Too large user stories
It is advisable to stick to the rule of finishing a user narrative within a week to prevent it from growing too large. Large user stories can slow down feedback cycles and impede workflow. This may be addressed by breaking down each narrative into smaller, more manageable components using user story mapping approaches.
8. Not questioning the customers while collecting the requirements
As the final consumers of the product, customers must be included in the requirement definition process. Customers who are not involved may have their wants unmet and be dissatisfied. Recognising that needs might change on an Agile project emphasises the importance of keeping stakeholders involved in the feedback loop.
9. Not allowing the Dev Team to work on Technical Debt
Development teams risk accumulating technical debt that will necessitate future code restructuring if they choose quick delivery above flawless functionality. To prevent buildup and delays in the delivery of the finished product, it is crucial to handle this technical debt simultaneously with sprint deliveries. A product owner has to be conscious of technical debt and actively assist the team in tackling it concurrently with new deliveries.
10. Not validating the customer’s idea before implementing it
The product owner, who has a thorough grasp of the product, is the expert. Customers could suggest certain functionality, but it is crucial for the product owner to evaluate and judge the viability of these suggestions. The Product Owner may decide whether ideas can be executed successfully while taking into account both technological limitations and customer demands through open talks and rigorous review.
11. Not allowing Development Team members to talk with the Stakeholders directly
Scrum places a high importance on strong cooperation between the Product Owner (PO), stakeholders, and development teams. The fourth tenet of the Agile Manifesto emphasises the value of regular communication between project's business and development teams. To better understand stakeholders' demands, development teams are urged to interact with them directly in addition to the PO's regular engagements with them. All pertinent talks must be open to everyone engaged in order to encourage openness and avoid any miscommunications. Each Scrum team is free to choose their preferred method of cooperation at the project's commencement.
12. Not empowering the Proxy POs
A Proxy Product Owner (PO) role is created in certain projects to act as a liaison between stakeholders and engineers. The proxy PO fills in to concentrate on the ongoing feature development when there is a lack of coordination between the PO and the development team. It is crucial to sufficiently empower the proxy PO so they can carry out these duties in cases where the primary PO is unable to do so
13. Lack of vision of the product being developed
Establishing, overseeing, and taking ownership of the Product Vision are under the purview of the Product Owner. Without a firm understanding of the vision, there is a chance that the product development process will stray from client demands.
14. Delivering more features than valuable features
The most important characteristics must be understood by the Product Owner. The overall success of the product may be in jeopardy if the development team is working on an excessive number of features without giving the ones that add the most value priority. The Product Owner must clearly understand which features are most important and prioritise them accordingly, putting a stronger premium on quality than quantity.
15. Not having a well-defined prioritization mechanism for delivering user stories
The Product Owner, working closely with the Scrum team, is responsible for grooming and prioritising the product backlog. The most important items are placed at the top of the backlog under the leadership of the Product Owner. Establishing a clear and efficient framework for this prioritisation process is vital for the Product Owner.
16. Changing priorities or requirements during the Sprint
The development team's progress may be hampered if the Product Owner makes an unforeseen change to priorities in the midst of a sprint. This will result in incomplete tasks, which will waste time and momentum. Changing priorities during a sprint is typically not advised unless there are strong and exceptional reasons to do so, even if agile approaches are intended to be flexible and responsive to change. The team can retain concentration, maximise productivity, and guarantee a more successful sprint conclusion by keeping a consistent set of priorities throughout the sprint.
17. No single Product Owner, required governance missing in case of multiple POs
When working on complicated projects, having numerous Product Owners present might compromise governance and decision-making clarity. When too many people are involved in crucial decision-making processes, confusion and inefficiency may follow. The team must have a thorough grasp of the chosen Product Owner and any supporting roles or proxies in order to ensure effectiveness. This distinct division promotes responsibility, establishes a faster decision-making process, and contributes to the project's success as a whole.
18. Missing in Scrum Ceremonies
The Product Owner must actively participate in Scrum ceremonies to guarantee open communication and maximise cooperation within the Scrum framework. While the Scrum Master is responsible for leading these rituals, the Product Owner's attendance and active participation are equally crucial. The Product Owner supports open lines of communication, encourages openness, and improves the overall performance of the Scrum team by actively engaging in important events and rituals.
19. Relying on mail communication for answering queries from Dev Team
It might waste a lot of time when the Product Owner just uses email as their primary method of contact with the development team. The Product Owner must be reachable for quick replies to important questions from the team in order to prevent these inefficiencies. While email may still be used to record and document conversations, prioritising in-person availability enables quick problem-solving, productive cooperation, and fewer misunderstandings. For maximum efficiency, the Product Owner should actively interact with the team, swiftly responding to inquiries, and establishing smooth communication channels.
20. No emphasis on Quality
In order to maintain the Product Vision and guarantee the delivery of high-quality products, the Product Owner is essential. The development team's involvement may decline if quality improvement is not given enough attention, which might lead to work that is below standard. To keep the team committed and encourage the creation of extraordinary results, the Product Owner must prioritise and emphasise the significance of quality. The Product Owner builds a strong foundation for effective product development and ultimately achieves customer expectations by placing a strong emphasis on quality.
21. Treating estimates as deadlines
Flexibility is the basic tenet of any Agile project. There is a loss of flexibility when a Product Owner starts to consider an expected time as a definite deadline. Sometimes the development team needs more time to provide high-quality features, or the requirements could have changed over the course of the project, requiring an extension of time. When it comes to timing estimations, the PO should be accommodating.
22. Instructing team on what needs to be done, acting as a Manager
In Scrum, the Product Owner and the Scrum team collaborate to produce features throughout each sprint. The team is empowered to take control of the product delivery process because there are no official managers. The essential tenets of Scrum are violated, nevertheless, if the Product Owner begins to manage.
23. Expecting user stories to be created by the team, considering SM and PO to be there only to review the stories
User stories can be created by anybody, but the Product Owner (PO) is responsible for making sure they are well-written and organised in the Product Backlog. Since user stories are the primary means of expressing things in the Product Backlog, as mentioned in the Scrum Guide, the PO is responsible for carrying out these responsibilities.
24. Pushing the team to do extra work for finishing everything forecasted during Sprint Planning
The Agile technique places a strong emphasis on flexibility. The team evaluates the amount of work they can complete during the sprint during the Sprint Planning phase. But despite their best efforts, certain work can transfer over to the next sprint. It is not advisable to insist on finishing every work that has been anticipated because doing so can compromise quality and result in more technical debt.
25. Holding the team responsible for any rework post feedback from stakeholders during Sprint Review
The primary responsibility for modifications requested by stakeholders rests with the Product Owner since they may have miscommunicated the requirements to the team. It is unfair to hold the team responsible for the feedback in such situations. Instead, the Product Owner should take ownership of the situation and strive to find a win-win solution that pleases all stakeholders.
26. Not showing interest in answering team queries for clarifications after Sprint planning
It is crucial that the Product Owner is accessible to answer questions and clarify ambiguities after Sprint planning. Failure to carry out this duty may result in delays in the work process and maybe needless redo.
27. Not coachable by Scrum Master
The Scrum Master is essential because of their roles as educators, mentors, and coaches. When the Product Owner and the team are unsure of the Scrum structure and principles, they are in charge of guiding them. The role of the Scrum Master is to provide assistance and direction. The progress of the project, however, may suffer if the Product Owner is unwilling to receive mentoring.
28. âUnable to prioritize the work
The Product Owner's main duty is to prioritise the work in cooperation with stakeholders, customers, and the Scrum Master. This entails adjusting the Product Backlog to place the most crucial things at the top for the forthcoming sprint. The job will not be completed in accordance with the planned schedule and within the allotted period if the Product Owner is unable to perform this duty effectively.
29. Consistently changes priorities during the Sprint
It is possible for priorities to change throughout a Sprint in an Agile project. However, frequent changes might cause the team to lose concentration and slow down progress by leaving tasks incomplete. It is advised that the Product Owner avoid making changes to priorities in the midst of a Sprint in order to reduce this risk.
30. Accepting partially completed PBIs
It is critical for the Product Owner to refrain from accepting a Product Backlog Item (PBI) that is only half finished at the conclusion of a sprint. To appropriately account for the outstanding work, the PBI should be reevaluated in the Product Backlog and moved to the top of the next Sprint Backlog. Allowing incomplete work might lead to doubt and misunderstanding. Prior to deeming a PBI "done," it is crucial to confirm that the Definition of Done is completely met.
31. Allowing the dev team to change the Story points of a user story post implementation
The group could feel the need to re-estimate user stories as they go. To discourage this behaviour, the Product Owner is advised to do so. It is not necessary to reach exact precision because story points are designed to be estimations. The team will inevitably get more proficient at doing finer computations as they accumulate more expertise.
32. Not saying “No” to the stakeholders and allowing the product backlog to grow in size
Customers or stakeholders will unavoidably keep a close eye on the competitors during a project. They could demand feature modifications, additions, or even a total rethinking of the product. The project may stray from its planned course if the Product Owner is unable to politely refuse such requests when necessary.

Product Owner Anti Patterns are a collection of frequent errors and inefficient behaviours that Product Owners should avoid at all costs. The success of Agile initiatives may be hampered by these trends. It is advised that Product Owners obtain accreditation, such as the Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) title, to lessen these difficulties. A StarAgile CSPO course is strongly advised since it offers thorough instruction and insightful information. People may improve their Product Owner skills and their capacity to succeed in Agile projects by completing the StarAgile CSPO training. Product owner certification has been necessary in today’s time period because of the rise in competitions. If you want to stand differently then understanding product owner anti patterns is necessary so with the help of scrum certification you can achieve it.