Linux Commands For DevOps

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Essential Linux Commands Every Developer and DevOps Should Know

The use of DevOps concepts may assist teams in delivering higher-quality software more quickly, while also fulfilling customer expectations for rapid access and 24-hour availability. DevOps is rapidly becoming the industry standard for software development as a consequence.

This blog will cover the Important Linux Commands for devops in depth, but before that let us also understand devops, linux , why is linux used for devops and why it is so popular.

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What is DevOps?

  • The term "DevOps," which stands for "Development and Operations," refers to a collection of procedures and equipment that aims to enhance both organisational processes and the quality and speed of produced applications.
  • When compared to conventional approaches, DevOps helps businesses to produce software products of higher quality and with better customer service.
  • The whole purpose of DevOps was to remove obstacles between the development and operations teams.
  • Real disagreements are avoided in this culture/model since the two teams work together throughout the whole product life cycle.
  • In other words, companies that have embraced DevOps are better positioned to both grow into new markets and preserve their position in their present ones.
  • DevOps adoption is really swiftly displacing conventional methods for software development.

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What is Linux?

  • Like Microsoft Windows, Apple's iOS, and Apple's Mac OS, Linux is an operating system.
  • In point of fact, one of the most well-known platforms, Android, runs on Linux since Linux is its underlying operating system.
  • An operating system is a piece of software that is responsible for managing all of the hardware resources that are linked to a computer, such as a desktop or laptop.
  • In a nutshell, the operating system is responsible for controlling the manner in which your software and hardware speak to one another.
  • It is not possible for the programme to function without the operating system (OS).

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Use of Linux for DevOps and its benefits

Infrastructure automation is one of the primary procedures that the vast majority of information technology organisations engage in. Linux is a very popular choice for usage in the field of infrastructure automation. Linux makes the process of creating instances and running processes far more efficient, so both of these benefits go to the user.

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Benefits of using Linux

  • The Linux operating system uses software that is available for free download.
  • The source code for Linux is available for anybody to read, change, and — for people who possess the appropriate expertise — contribute to. This code is open source and free to use.
  • Linux has extremely high stability, which means that it does not need a restart after just a little amount of time has passed. Your Linux operating system seldom experiences sluggishness or freezing. On your Linux systems, you will experience no interruptions while you are working. Linux offers a performance level that is impressively high across a variety of networks and workstations.
  • After Linux has been successfully installed on your computer, you may discontinue the use of an antivirus application.
  • Linux places a strong priority on the safety of its operating system.
  • In addition, there is a community that is entirely devoted to the advancement of global development, and this group is continually seeking for new methods to make the world a safer place. The operating system is altered with each update.
  • Perhaps most notably, Linux does not cost anything to use. In contrast to Windows, there is no fee associated with downloading and using it. 

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Linux Commands for DevOps


  • This command may organise search results either numerically or alphabetically, whichever you like.
  • In addition to that, it can sort directories, the contents of files, and files themselves. 


The curl command is an extremely useful piece of software that may be used to get data from URLs or online repositories.


  • In order to show material (the tail), search for irregularities (the cat), or find the proper procedure, it is required to apply a filter (ps aux).
  • Pipe and grep are two tools that may be used to make your job more efficient.


  • Utilize the chown command in order to change the user or group that owns a file. 
  • At any point in time, you may change ownership of a file by using the chown command.


The id command is used in Linux to get user names, group names, and numerical IDs (UID or group ID) for the currently logged-in user as well as any other users that are using the server. This includes both the user ID and the group ID.


  •  The cat command may be used to print as well as concatenate many files at once.
  • The cat command allows developers to examine the contents of their dependencies file or validate the version of the application they have previously generated locally. Additionally, the cat command allows developers to verify the program's version.


  • Use the diff command to see what changes were made to each file in comparison to the other.
  • After doing an analysis on the file, this programme will output the lines that are distinct from one another.


  • The head command is required in order for the tail command to execute properly.
  • According to what its name suggests, this Linux command will display the most recent N numbers of data taken from the input you provide.
  • This command will, by default, publish the most recent 10 lines of the data or file that was supplied.
  • When you provide several filenames, you will get the data from each file in addition to the file name for that file.


  • Displaying information about the connection layer is one of its functions, and it may also get information about the devices that are now using the link layer.
  • When we talk about "available devices," we mean any networking hardware that already has a driver installed on it.

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netstat -p

This is one of the strongest Linux networking commands often used to determine which process is listening on a certain port; however, do you know how to print the process id of a listening process? This is when netstat -p comes in handy. It outputs the process id and programme name associated with each socket. This is helpful since you may now terminate the procedure if you so want.


While working on a Linux/Unix system, many files and folders may be in use, with some being visible and others not. List Of Open File is the meaning of lsof. This command offers a list of all opened files. It provides the information necessary to determine which process opened particular files. On a single operation, all open files are listed in the output console.


The ifconfig command, which stands for "interface configuration," is what's used to configure the network interfaces that are resident in the kernel. At the moment of booting, it is utilised to set up the interfaces in the appropriate manner. After then, you will often only utilise it when necessary during the debugging process or when you need to tune the system. Additionally, you may use this command to activate or disable a particular interface, as well as provide an IP address and netmask to an interface.


Sed is a text editor that allows editing operations to be carried out in a manner that is not interactive. For the purpose of carrying out an editing action on a file, the sed command obtains its input either from the standard input or a file. It is possible to do a large number of file modifications with the help of sed, which is a highly powerful application. I will discuss the significant operation that you would wish to do with a text file in the following paragraphs.

If you want to alter some text in a file by searching for it in the file, you may use the sed command with the substitution "s" option to search for the specified pattern and change it. This is useful if you want to replace some text in a file by looking for it in the file.


The history command is used to see the command that was run before this one. In the Bourne shell, this functionality was not accessible at any time. Both Bash and Korn have support for this feature, which states that each command that is carried out is considered to be an event and is given an event number. Using this number, the commands may be retrieved and altered as necessary. These commands are recorded in a history file for future reference. The history command in the Bash shell displays the whole list of commands.

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Shell Scripting for devops

What exactly is Shell?

The Kernel and the Shell are the two most important parts of an operating system.

A Kernel may be compared to the centre of a computer. It facilitates communication between hardware and software. The Kernel is the most fundamental component of an operating system, whereas the shell is the most superficial.

A shell in the Linux operating system accepts user input in the form of commands, processes it, and then produces output. It serves as the user's interface for working with programmes, commands, and scripts. A terminal provides access to the shell and executes commands.

When the terminal is started, the Shell displays a command prompt (often $) where you may enter your input; the terminal then executes it when you press the Enter key. The terminal will then print the results of your instructions.

The Shell serves as a protective shell for an Operating system's fragile inside, preventing inadvertent harm. This is why the name is Shell.

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What is the Shell Scripting ?

Shell scripting involves creating a set of executable commands for the shell. It may integrate complex and repeated command sequences into a single, simple script. This script may be saved and executed anytime desired. This drastically minimises the amount of work needed by the end-user.

Final word

Now that you are familiar with the Linux commands used in DevOps, check out this DevOps Training Course provided by Staragile, a reputable online learning organisation. The Staragile DevOps Engineer Certification Training course assists students in comprehending what DevOps is and gaining proficiency in DevOps methods. StarAgile provides numerous courses that assist in getting both a practical and academic understanding of all DevOps principles. You will be able to learn from the industry's most accomplished specialists. So, do not wait any longer and begin your profession immediately.

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