DevOps periodic table : Top 14 Categories of Periodic Table DevOps Tools

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DevOps Periodic Table

The DevOps periodic table is the table consisting of all the tools necessary for the DevOps phases and DevOps pipeline. A very important part of DevOps is the DevOps tools that are used widely for automation and ensure repetitive and complex work. The DevOps tools must be selected based on the requirements in the project and DevOps best practices

Understand the needs of the project and compare and evaluate the tools that suffice your needs. Have it mind that DevOps is not only about tools but much more than that such as integration, combined function, collaboration, teamwork, automation, and communication, etc 

The DevOps table of elements is created similar to the chemical elements periodic table and addresses all the wide variety of needs that tools accomplish. There are more than 400 products for the DevOps that addresses all the phases and pipeline of DevOps life cycle management. You must choose the products based on the criticality and best practices of DevOps. You need not have all the tools, but some important and useful tools. Ensure that you choose the tools that are open source, available with large community supports, address automation, and are customizable to your needs.

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DevOps Periodic Table

Categories of Periodic Table of DevOps tools

The DevOps tools are categorized based on the functions and made in the form of a periodic table. Let us discuss all the categories one by one.

1. Source code Management - The source code is the initial step in the DevOps life cycle management and provides tools to build code and manage the source code management. Some of the tools in these categories are GitHub, SubVersion, GitLab, Compuware ISPW, Artifactory, Perforce, HelixCore, and BitBuket, etc. Here the source code is managed with a different version so that each developer’s changes are reflected. Enroll for DevOps online course at StarAgile institute and be certified in DevOps that has industry recognition. 

2. Database Automation - Database management and automation are important as the developers find this as an uphill task and need to perform various administrative tasks in the databases. The database automation tool helps to enhance the speed of deployments, reduce errors, and increase reliability. Some of the Database automation tools are Delphix, Datical, Flyway, DBMeastro, and Redgate, etc.

3. Continuous Integration - This is one of the pipelines of DevOps and an important step and helps to do automated build and integrate the work very frequently. CI/CD forms the DevOps pipeline and continuous integration helps to find errors, bugs, and issues much sooner so that there are a fail-fast approach and recovery. Some of the important tools are TeamCity, CodeShip, Jenkins, Bamboo AWS code Build and Travis CI, etc.

4. Testing - Testing frequently to ensure quality and find errors, bugs, and issues by automated testing are important to DevOps culture.  There are various testing that happens as soon as the code is built and integrated that are unit testing, acceptance testing, system testing, and integration testing. Some of the tools that are used for testing are Apache JMeter, JUnit, Selenium, Cucumber, Mocha, Source Labs, Perfects and SoapUI, etc.

5. Configuration Management - It is the process of managing the changes in the environment systematically. The changes to the source code and executables are managed with version control and automatically with the help of tools. Some of the tools needed for configuration management are, CFEngine, Puppet, Chef, Terraform, Rudder, and SaltStack, etc.

6. Deployment - Once the application is built, integrated, tested, and released the next thing that comes to mind is the deployment of the code to the production. Here the manually deploying is not that easy, that is why we deploy automatically by using the tools in the production. Some of the tools that are used in deployment are CA Automic, Elastic Box, ElectricCloud, XL Deploy, GOCD, Octopus Deploy, Urban Code Deploy and AWS Code Deploy, etc.

7. Containers - Containers are the software that is used to package the code or the applications with all its dependencies and libraries with the help of microservices such that containers are portable in any environment. Some of the tools used for this are Helm, AWS ECS, Rancher, Codefresh, Azure Kubernetes Services, and Kubernetes, etc.

Also Read: DataOps vs DevOps

8. Orchestration - Orchestration is the way to manage, automate, and orchestrate the end-to-end software release pipeline such as CI/CD pipeline. Some of the tools that are used for the orchestration of the CI/CD pipeline are, Spinnaker, AWS Code Pipeline, XL Release, Plutora Release, and Urban Code Release, etc. Take up the DevOps training online at StarAgile and lift your career to new heights.

9. Cloud - The cloud as we know is not our hardware or software, but everything sits on the third-party cloud provider’s site. We own very less things in the cloud. Everything including data, hardware, and software is moved, accessed, and stored in the cloud or the third-party provider's site. Some of the cloud providers are as follows, Google Cloud, Cloud Foundry, AWS cloud, Microsoft Cloud, Lambda, OpenShift, and IBM cloud, etc.

10. AI Operations - Even though AI is a separate field in itself, AI is fast becoming part of our lives. AI comprises various other sub-fields such as Big data, Machine Learning, NLP, Neural Networks, and Image and vision processing. AIOps is nowadays used in the automation of key functions in DevOps. Some of the common tools are. Logstash, Sumo Logic, Splunk, ITRS, Prometheus, etc.

11. Monitoring - Once the applications are deployed in production it is time to maintain the application running by monitoring the infrastructures and applications by monitoring the health, performance, and traffic load on them. It is to ensure that all the features and functionalities of the applications are up and running smoothly. Some of the tools that are used for this purpose are Nagios, ZABBIX and Zenoss, etc.

12. Security - The applications must be secure while running, fail-safely, and ensure all the threats and vulnerabilities are eliminated in the applications and as well as in the infrastructure. Sometimes we must meet the compliance related to statutory, legal, and regulatory compliance. This is possible by securing the applications and infrastructures. Some of the tools in DevOps to ensure security is, Fortify SCA, Veracode, Sonarqube, Blackduck CyberArk Conjur, Tripwire, Snort, CheckMarx SAST, and Signal Sciences, etc.

13. Collaboration - It is required that applications and tools collaborate with other software in the market to ensure that there is synergy in working in DevOps. Some of the software used for collaboration are as follows, Pagerduty, Slack, BMC Remedy, Opscode, Servicenow, Trello, Jira, and OpsGenie, etc

14. Analytics - Analytics about the software and infrastructure and data captured is important in DevOps as it provides an analysis of key insightful metrics and measurement in DevOps. Some of the tools used for this are, New Relic, Kibana, Appdynamics, XL Impact, and Datadog, etc

Also Read: DevOps Fresher Resume

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We have covered most of the tools in this topic related to DevOps periodic table. However, there are more than 400 tools in the market. We recommend you to take up the DevOps certification training at StarAgile institute and learn more about the DevOps tools periodic table. StarAgile provides industry-recognized DevOps online training that covers real-world examples and is interactive with lab and theory sessions. Keep Learning!!!


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