DevOps Manager Salary in 2024 - Complete Earnings

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Jul 25, 2024

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As we look ahead to 2024, the role of a DevOps Manager continues to be pivotal within the tech industry, and understandably so. From my own experience and observations in the field, these professionals play a crucial role in bridging the gap between development, operations, and other departments to ensure smooth and efficient software delivery processes. This integral position not only helps accelerate deployment cycles but also boosts overall operational efficiency, making the DevOps Manager a key player in any tech-driven company.

Given the increasing reliance on technology and automated processes, the demand for skilled DevOps Managers is on the rise. In 2024, it's projected that the median salary for a DevOps Manager in the United States will hover around $140,000 annually. However, this figure can vary significantly depending on factors such as company size, geographic location, and individual experience. In tech hubs like San Francisco or New York, salaries can soar well above the national average, reflecting the high cost of living and the competitive nature of the tech industry in these areas.

Keeping an eye on these trends is crucial, not just for personal career planning but also for understanding the broader market dynamics that affect my profession. Whether you’re currently a DevOps professional looking to step into management, or you’re already managing a DevOps team, staying informed about salary trends is essential for negotiating your compensation and planning your career trajectory. 

What is a DevOps Manager?

In my career, transitioning into the role of a DevOps Manager was significant. This position entails overseeing a team of IT professionals who work collaboratively with software development and IT operations teams to improve the coordination of software development, testing, and deployment. Essentially, a DevOps Manager aims to unify and automate processes, ensuring that software builds are predictable, reliable, and secure.

A DevOps Manager’s responsibilities extend beyond just managing people. They include overseeing the entire software development lifecycle, enhancing software development and deployment processes, managing incidents, and maintaining operational stability. They also play a crucial role in strategic planning in technology projects, ensuring alignment with business goals.

Leadership skills are paramount in this role, as it requires not only technical knowledge but also the ability to manage, motivate, and guide a team. Effective communication is also critical, as DevOps Managers often act as the bridge between technical teams, management, and sometimes customers.

What Type of Companies Need DevOps Managers?

DevOps Managers are essential in many sectors but are particularly in demand in companies where technology is a critical component of the business strategy. This includes:

1. Technology Startups: Rapid innovation is crucial here. Startups often rely on fast product iterations to grow and adapt to the market quickly. A DevOps Manager in these environments ensures that new software can be developed, tested, and released swiftly without disrupting the service.

2. E-commerce Companies: For e-commerce, uptime and speed are critical. A DevOps Manager ensures that the online platforms are robust, can handle sudden increases in traffic, and integrate various services smoothly, such as payment gateways, inventory management, and customer support systems.

3. Financial Services: In fintech and banking, where both speed and security are paramount, DevOps Managers play a crucial role. They ensure that software updates and deployments are carried out without compromising regulatory compliance and security.

4. Large Corporates with IT Departments: Any large organization that uses software for its operations needs DevOps practices to ensure that all parts of the organization can deploy software changes quickly and efficiently.

How much devOps manager get?

In India, the role of a DevOps Manager is both lucrative and demanding. The compensation for this position varies based on various factors including experience, location, and the specific industry. 

How Much devOps Manager Earn: Based on Experience

As someone deeply entrenched in the DevOps community, I've seen firsthand how experience significantly impacts a DevOps manager's salary in India. Like many professions, experience not only increases one's ability to manage more complex projects but also enhances negotiation power when discussing salaries.

1. Entry-Level (0-3 years): At the entry level, a DevOps manager might still be transitioning from roles such as a DevOps engineer or similar positions within IT. In this phase, the salary ranges approximately from ₹12,00,000 to ₹16,00,000 annually. Although this might seem high for an entry-level position, it reflects the high demand for DevOps skills combined with management capabilities, even at the beginning of one's career in this field.

2. Mid-Level (3-7 years): As I progressed to a mid-level position after a few years, the complexity of the projects I managed significantly increased, as did my salary. At this stage, a DevOps manager can expect to earn between ₹16,00,000 to ₹25,00,000 per year. The increase is attributed to the accumulated experience and the proven track record of successfully managing multiple projects and perhaps even multiple teams.

3. Senior-Level (7+ years): Reaching a senior level often means overseeing multiple large-scale projects or having a strategic role that impacts the broader technology landscape of the company. At this level, salaries can range from ₹25,00,000 to ₹50,00,000 annually. Senior DevOps managers are expected to lead not just technically but also contribute to business strategy, which justifies the higher end of the salary spectrum.


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DevOps Manager Salary: Based on Industries

The industry in which a DevOps manager works can also greatly influence how much they earn. The variance is mostly due to the differing levels of dependency on IT operations and software delivery within the sector.

1. Technology and Software Development Companies: These are typically the highest-paying sectors for DevOps managers because the core product or service directly relies on software development and delivery. Companies like software giants and large tech startups often offer salaries at the upper end of the scale due to the critical role of DevOps in these organizations.

2. E-commerce and Retail: With the increasing reliance on online shopping, e-commerce companies require robust systems that can handle millions of transactions. Therefore, the demand for DevOps managers in this sector is high, and they are compensated well for their ability to ensure uptime and optimize operations.

3. Banking and Financial Services: The BFSI sector offers competitive salaries to DevOps managers, especially those who can navigate the complexities of regulatory requirements while maintaining agile environments. This industry values DevOps managers who contribute to both speed and compliance.

4. Healthcare: While not traditionally known for high IT salaries, the healthcare industry is increasingly adopting digital solutions, which raises the demand and hence the salaries for DevOps managers, particularly those who can manage systems that require high levels of data security and patient privacy.

DevOps Manager Salary: Based on Skill

The specific skills a DevOps manager possesses can also influence their salary. Expertise in high-demand technologies often commands a premium in the job market.

1. Containerization Tools (Docker, Kubernetes): Mastery of these tools is highly sought after as they are crucial for creating scalable and efficient software deployment workflows. DevOps managers proficient in these tools can demand higher salaries due to the direct impact on operational cost savings and system reliability.

2. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Skills in CI/CD pipelines are essential for modern DevOps practices and directly correlate with a manager's ability to reduce software deployment failures and speed up time to market.

3. Cloud Technologies (AWS, Azure, GCP): With most companies moving to the cloud, expertise in cloud platforms is another high-paying skill. A DevOps manager who can efficiently manage cloud resources and optimize cloud operations is incredibly valuable.

4. Automation and Scripting: Skills in automation tools and scripting languages further enhance a DevOps manager's profile. Being able to automate routine tasks and scripts to manage deployments can significantly improve a team's productivity and operational efficiency.

5. Security: As cybersecurity becomes more critical, DevOps managers with skills in securing deployment pipelines and maintaining security during faster release cycles are highly prized. This often involves integrating security measures into the CI/CD pipeline a practice sometimes referred to as DevSecOps.

DevOps Manager Salary: Based on Certifications

In the competitive landscape of IT, certifications serve as benchmarks of one's commitment and expertise. As a DevOps manager myself, I've found that certain certifications not only enhance professional credibility but also significantly impact salary. Here’s how different certifications correlate with what DevOps managers earn.

1. Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA): Kubernetes has become a standard in container orchestration. Holding a CKA indicates proficiency in managing Kubernetes environments, which is a critical skill for DevOps practices. DevOps managers with this certification can see an increase in their annual salaries by up to 20%, often earning upwards of ₹25,00,000.

2. AWS Certified DevOps Engineer: This certification demonstrates expertise in managing distributed applications in the AWS cloud, covering aspects from provisioning and operations to running and monitoring. With cloud skills being highly sought after, this certification can push a DevOps manager’s salary to between ₹24,00,000 to ₹30,00,000 annually.

3. Puppet Professional Certification: As automation is a key component of DevOps, proficiency in automation tools like Puppet is invaluable. Certified managers can command salaries in the range of ₹23,00,000 to ₹28,00,000, reflecting the high demand for automation skills.

4. Certified Jenkins Engineer: Given Jenkins’ critical role in continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, expertise here is highly rewarded. A DevOps manager skilled in Jenkins can easily find themselves earning between ₹22,00,000 to ₹27,00,000.

DevOps Manager Salary: Based on Location

Location plays a pivotal role in determining how much DevOps managers get. Salaries in India vary widely across different cities due to factors like the cost of living, the presence of technology hubs, and local demand for IT expertise.

  • Bengaluru: Known as India's Silicon Valley, Bengaluru offers the highest salaries for DevOps managers, reflecting its status as a tech hub with numerous startups and established tech companies. Salaries here can range from ₹25,00,000 to ₹50,00,000 annually.
  • Hyderabad: With a burgeoning tech industry, particularly in HITEC City, Hyderabad also offers competitive salaries for DevOps managers, typically between ₹23,00,000 to ₹45,00,000.
  • Pune: As another growing tech city, Pune offers salaries ranging from ₹20,00,000 to ₹40,00,000 for experienced DevOps managers.
  • Mumbai: Being the financial capital and housing numerous multinational corporations, Mumbai presents lucrative opportunities for DevOps managers, with salaries ranging from ₹22,00,000 to ₹42,00,000.
  • NCR (Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida): The National Capital Region, being a significant economic zone with a mix of startups and service companies, offers salaries for DevOps managers between ₹21,00,000 to ₹40,00,000.

Why are DevOps Managers Paid So Much?

The substantial salaries commanded by DevOps managers are justified by the critical role they play in modern IT departments. Here’s why they are so highly valued:

1. Bridging Multiple Functions: DevOps managers bridge the gap between software development, operations, and quality assurance. This multidisciplinary approach not only accelerates deployment cycles but also ensures higher product quality and better response to market needs.

2. Enhancing Operational Efficiency: By implementing automation and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, DevOps managers significantly reduce the time to market and operational risks associated with new releases. This ability directly contributes to the company's bottom line by enhancing product delivery capabilities and operational efficiency.

3. Leadership and Strategic Insight: Beyond technical skills, DevOps managers are often involved in strategic planning related to IT infrastructure and development practices. Their insights are crucial in shaping the technological direction of their organizations, making them key strategic assets.

4. Scarcity of Skilled Professionals: The combination of leadership, technical proficiency, and a strategic mindset makes skilled DevOps managers a scarce resource. As companies increasingly rely on digital solutions, the demand for such professionals outstrips supply, driving up their compensation.

5. High Impact on Business Success: DevOps managers have a direct impact on how quickly and efficiently new products or features are brought to market. In industries where technology is a key competitive differentiator, the ability to deliver innovations reliably is a major driver of business success, which is often reflected in the generous compensation packages offered to these managers.

How to Increase Your Salary as a DevOps Manager

Increasing your salary as a DevOps Manager involves a combination of advancing your education, honing in-demand skills, and strategically positioning yourself within your industry. In my own career, I have found that several specific strategies can significantly boost your earnings potential in this dynamic field like: 

1. Focus on Continual Learning and Certification

Continual professional development is crucial. The technology field evolves rapidly, and staying updated with the latest advancements is not optional but a necessity. DevOps certifications are particularly valuable because they demonstrate a verified competence in key areas of practice. Certifications such as the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, and Puppet Professional Certification are highly respected in the industry. They often lead to better job opportunities and salary increments because they prove that you are capable of handling advanced tasks and responsibilities.

Also Read: How to Become DevOps Engineer?

2. Enroll in Relevant DevOps Courses

Participating in DevOps courses can provide you with the latest skills and knowledge, directly impacting your ability to manage projects more effectively and efficiently. Courses covering emerging technologies, advanced automation strategies, and new tools can keep you ahead of the curve. Employers are willing to pay more for managers who can demonstrate an understanding of cutting-edge methodologies that promise to streamline operations, reduce costs, and decrease deployment failures.

3. Gain Practical Experience Through Hands-On Projects

Practical experience is invaluable. Tackle new challenges and volunteer for complex projects within your organization. The hands-on experience gained by managing high-stakes projects successfully showcases your capability to lead under pressure and deliver results. This not only enhances your resume but also positions you as a key player in your organization, making it easier to negotiate higher pay.

4. Improve Soft Skills

Technical skills alone aren't enough to climb the salary ladder. Soft skills such as leadership, communication, and strategic thinking are essential. These skills help you interact effectively with your team, other departments, and stakeholders. Being able to articulate the value of your department's work to upper management in terms they can understand and appreciate is crucial and can lead to recognition and financial reward.

5. Network and Market Yourself

Networking can open doors to new opportunities that you might not have been aware of. Attend industry conferences, participate in webinars, and join professional groups related to DevOps. Sharing your knowledge and expertise can help establish you as a thought leader, which can be beneficial during promotions or job negotiations. Additionally, maintaining a professional profile on platforms like LinkedIn helps keep you visible to recruiters and industry peers.

6. Seek Feedback and Set Clear Goals

Regular feedback can provide insights into areas where you need improvement, which could be hindering your salary growth. Set clear career goals annually, discuss these with your supervisor, and establish what you need to achieve them. Whether it's leading a new project, reducing system downtime, or improving deployment times, having concrete metrics to show your impact can strengthen your case for a raise.


In conclusion, according to my experience improving your salary as a DevOps Manager is very much within your control. Engaging in DevOps training and achieving further DevOps certification are proactive steps that equip you with the latest skills and knowledge, making you a valuable asset to any company. Coupled with enhancing your soft skills and strategic networking, these actions create a strong foundation for salary negotiations. Remember, every step you take to broaden your expertise not only contributes to your personal growth but also to your professional marketability and financial success. 

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