Configuration Management Activities in PMP

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B K Subramanya

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Oct 09, 2024

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A configuration refers to features that characterize a final product or deliverable. This can include aspects like physical and functional specifications. 

Size and weight are some physical traits of a product. Its colour and shape are some features that are included in the physical specs. Qualities that allow the product to achieve the desired result are functional specs. 

Let me explain it to you more clearly by using an example. Let us consider a laptop. Its physical specs will be the screen display or the body colour. The functional specs will include its RAM size or how much time it takes to boot. 

In the software development space, the configuration keeps changing fast. All team members need to handle these changes effectively. Doing so ensures consistency in performance and working of these physical and functional specs.  

Now, I will explain to you what configuration management activities are and how they work. 

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What is Configuration Management? 

Configuration management is a systematic approach. You may use it to identify, organize, and control changes to the various components of a project across its lifecycle. Due to rapid iterations, the developers may come across many versions of the product. Planning, implementing, testing, and releasing these changes entails many touchpoints. With this process, you will find it easy to do the versioning and ensure seamless working across different teams in the company.   

The primary goal of configuration management activities is to maintain the integrity and traceability of project deliverables. It ensures that all stakeholders have access to correct and current information about the project status. 

With configuration management, you can: 

  • Establish a baseline for project components. 
  • Control changes to these components. 
  • Maintain an accurate record of the current state of the project. 
  • Make sure that all team members are working with the correct version of project artifacts. 

What is Configuration Management in PMP?        

You would encounter many updates and alterations during the development and design of any product. This is especially applicable when you are in the design and development phase. Even if the design plans and contract specifications are robust, there is bound to be multiple changes. This is particularly true if the project is large-scale, multi-contract, or multi-phased. 

You might see several changes creep into any area of the project. This includes community and design standards. They may also include difficulties or delays in project implementation. Other projects may face complexities in project management. 

In order to handle these issues better, project managers have started seeing value in implementing the practice and principles of configuration management in PMP. 

Configuration management activities in project management refer to the systematic control of all project assets and deliverables. Here, you may include the final product meant for customers. You can also include internal management tools like performance metrics and project management plans

In order to ensure project success, you need to apply best practices in project change management plan and configuration management in tandem. This way, you can carefully evaluate all proposed changes. By doing this, you get to assess their impact on the overall project and its components. 


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What is the Goal of Configuration Management? 

Configuration management is an indispensable component of overall project management. The primary function of it is to optimize the management of time and cost. You may also use it to better counter constraints in scope and quality. You will find it particularly useful in projects where change management processes must be implemented and approved by the organization. 

What are the main configuration management activities?  

Configuration management activities are segmented into four sections. These are outlined in the Project Management Professional exam. 

  • Configuration identification

  • Configuration change control

  • Configuration status accounting

  • Configuration verification and audits

To maintain visibility and control, you would need to implement robust procedures for all the configuration management activities until the end of the project cycle. Here I am going to explain each of these activities in detail. 

Comprehending the best practices of configuration management will help you manage changes effectively. You can avoid scope creep as well as complete projects successfully.

[1] Configuration Identification 

This is the initial step to start the configuration management on a project. This includes the items that will be set under configuration control. 

Here are a few examples of these items, according to me: 

  • Product Deliverables- they could be software code, plans, design documents, and so on.

  • Product Components- they could be modules, executables, libraries, etc., in software projects.

  • Requirements documents, statements of work and contracts.

  • Test data, Tests, simulations

  • Tools, infrastructure, hardware

  • Policies, plans, procedures

To establish effective configuration management, the project team carefully examines all project deliverables and documentation. You would need to identify key items requiring tracking and control. Then, you can designate them as configuration items. Also, you will assign a unique identifier to each CI. This ensures clear labeling and reference. 

For this, you can employ some of the popular identification methods: 

sequential numbering, 

source control revision numbers or 

codes as per the WBS structure. 

You need to maintain a dedicated configuration management database for this purpose. It will centralize all details like name, status, version, and description. 

It is essential that you precisely define the configuration items. This lets you decide the scope of configuration management. With it, you can carry out efficient change tracking. You can also conduct audits and execute rollbacks if needed. It is important to note that only items classified as CI are subject to baseline management procedures and stringent change controls.

[2] Configuration Change Control 

Here, you need to have a formal approach to handle changes to configuration items in a controlled manner. This makes sure only sanctioned changes are executed. 

In my knowledge, the change control process features the steps listed below:

  • Change Request Submission: You need to carry out modifications to CIs only through change requests. It must include a description of the change’s contents, reasoning, and effects.

  • Change Request Evaluation: For each change request or CR, you can focus on these factors:

    • Technical viability, 
    • Impact on other CIs, 
    • Requirement alignment, and Overall influence on cost, schedule, and quality
  • Change Rejection/Approval: After reviewing each request for a change, the change control board casts a vote. This helps it approve or reject it on the basis of the assessment. The decision to reject must be backed by valid and logical justification. 

  • Change Implementation: After approval, you need to carry out modifications as per the correct protocols. During change implementation, adherence to testing and development norms ensures compliance with project standards

  • Documentation Updates: Next, you need to update all project documents and CI that are impacted due to the change. You will then update the change request with implementation details.

  • Verification: You would need to do configuration audits. Doing so helps ensure the successful and precise execution of changes.

With proper change control, you can assess each change thoroughly. Plus, you can also track and implement it in a controlled way. This can prevent unauthorized changes. Plus, you can avoid scope creep and its unintended impacts. When you follow a standardized approach, it helps a lot in maintaining traceability/integrity. 

3. Configuration Status Accounting 

In this phase, you need to track and report on the status of configuration items all through the project cycle. The aim here is to maintain accurate details and records about each CI. 

Here, you would need a configuration management database or CMDB. You can use it to keep track of each item’s configuration. The details comprise:

  • Item name/Identifier

  • Description

  • Version Number

  • Status (development, testing, production, retired)

  • Change History

  • Changes Made

  • Owner, Approvers

  • Relationships and Dependencies

  • Baselines Associated

  • Storage Location

Constantly updating this information ensures the state of the project is known by the team. They also know about the changes made. Status accounting even helps with audits, rollbacks, and release planning.

The status report is done regularly, both formally and informally-

  • Status updates at change control board meetings 

  • Periodic automated reports by CMDB 

  • View the CI status in real time through a portal or dashboard. 

  • Direct appeals to the CMDB for status checks. 

Precise configuration status accounting ensures traceability and visibility. It guarantees alignment and avoids confusion about CI status.

4. Configuration Audit and Verification 

This involves checking configuration items. You need to do this step to ensure alignment and accuracy with the project plans. Here, you may need to carry out the formal and informal audits. 

Formal audits-

  • In formal audits, functional configuration audits help align a CI's design with the specified requirements. You would need to do these at prominent junctures. 

  • With physical configuration audits, you can make sure that configuration documentation and versions match the actual physical configuration. You would do this before significant releases. 

  • You must also perform thorough audits. It entails checking CIs against configuration documentation and test baselines. From beginning to end, it tracks every change.

Informal audits-

  • This entails peer reviews for documentation and configuration items.

  • You can perform spot checks on documentation and baselines, along with physical configurations.

  • You may also need to test samples to verify accuracy and consistency.

Any mistakes discovered are documented. Then change requests are proposed to address them. 

What does Verification Ensure? 

  • Verification makes sure that the product configurations match the documented descriptions. 

  • It ensures documentation matches the product specifications mentioned. 

  • It makes sure CIs remain constant with the overall project baseline and each other. 

  • No unauthorized changes are made. 

With regular audits, you get to maintain configuration integrity throughout the project. They make sure that all processes are followed. 

What is a Configuration Management Plan? 

The configuration management process is created by a project manager. It serves as a thorough document detailing the configurations of a project. It is used to determine how to handle any changes. This is a defining characteristic of any successful project. 

Configurations are the specific characteristics of a project’s end products or deliverables. A savvy project manager strives to achieve the desired end state of the project when it is completed.

The responsibilities/roles of the staff involved are defined in the Configuration Management Process. It also identifies and describes the expected interactions between contractors, project staff, and consultants, among others. 

During the creation of a configuration management plan, all project configurations must be identified and recorded. Plus, you also need to narrow down the method for managing the configurations. 

Example of Configuration Management Activities       

For better understanding configuration management activities, let me explain them through an example: 

Let’s consider a software development project- 

1. Configuration Identification 

The first thing you should do in configuration management activities is to identify CIs. They could be 

  • Software requirements
  • Design documents
  • Source code
  • Test cases, 
  • User manuals, and 
  • Project plans.

2. Configuration Change Control 

When a change is proposed, you need to initiate a formal change request. This request typically includes: 

  1.   A detailed description of the proposed change

  2.   Its impact on the project 

  3.   The necessary resources.

You will then submit the change request to the change control board, or CCB. They will do a meticulous review and provide approval. 

The CCB includes representatives from different project stakeholders. They assess the change request by looking at its effect on project scope and quality. If they say yes, then this change is added to the project baseline and documented accordingly. If it is a rejection, the reasons for rejection are told to the requester, and change request gets closed.

3. Configuration Status Accounting 

You need to maintain a version control system to check changes to the source code. Also, at this point, you need to update project documentation to reflect the approved changes.

4. Configuration Verification and Audit 

Another step is to review the code and test it thoroughly. This helps you verify that the software meets the stated needs. You need to do regular audits to check the effectiveness of the configuration management process.

To sign off 

Effective configuration management activities are crucial for any project’s success. When you follow the four key activities, you can be effective as a project manager. It lets you maintain control over the project configuration and dispel any risks. This lets you deliver superior quality products and services. 

A detailed PMP Certification Training can help you understand the various aspects of project management. You can use this in-depth knowledge to apply in your workplace and pass the PMP exam delivery partner PMI


1. Why is configuration management important?

You need configuration management to maintain product integrity. It controls the changes effectively. With it, you can boost quality and decrease risks. You can enhance visibility and traceability as well with this practice. You need to manage configuration items and their changes to ensure consistency and deliver successful projects.          

2. What does configuration status accounting include? 

Configuration status accounting is the act of tracking and reporting on the status of configuration items during the project life cycle. Here, you need to keep a current list of all items. Plus, you need to record the history of changes made to them.

In this phase, you also need to make status reports and offer audit trails. The purpose of this task is to make sure each team member can see the present state of the project. This helps prevent any conflict. It will also help you avoid mistakes caused by using old data.

3. What happens during configuration audits?

During these audits, the project team verifies that configuration items meet specified needs. It also makes sure the configuration management process is being followed correctly. 

This generally contains-

  • Review of configuration items for completeness and consistency

  • Verifying that changes done align with approved change requests

  • Checking that the existing configuration matches the documented baseline

  • Evaluating compliance with configuration management processes and standards

  • Identifying and addressing any discrepancies or anomalies


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