We all know quality matters. If something is of high value in one instance and not as good in the next, it can't be said to be a quality product. A quality control system has to be implemented to ensure that the product conforms to the minimum quality standards that the company wants to assure the consumer each time. So, what is quality control?
What is Quality Control?
It takes well-planned strategies, processes, systems, and controls to work in tandem to maintain the quality of a product or service. In this context, defining quality and placing controls in the production system is necessary to ensure that the quality conforms to the minimum standards set by the company. These are also quality control techniques.
Defining Quality
First, the quality should be defined, quantified, and verifiable. It means both the management and the staff should know what defines product quality. This definition of quality for the products in question should be measurable and verifiable. When the quality is compromised, it can be instantly noticed, and a follow-up course of action is activated.
The idea of quality control is not much different from the quality management system. ISO 9000 family of standards deals with the quality management system. It defines quality standards and requires controls and systems to manage and maintain the quality on a sustained basis.
Placing Controls
Second, there should be controls to ensure the processes go as per the predefined quality control parameters. It means the quality control experts have inspected the production or value-delivery system and identified the weak spots where quality can get compromised.
To ensure that this doesn't happen, risks are identified, and adequate countermeasures and integrated into the system at different points in the production system. So, next time the quality gets exposed to the weaknesses in the system, the controls intervene and ensure a remedial measure is taken immediately. It ensures no poor-quality product passes through the quality control system.
How to Measure the Performance of Quality Control?
Every business or organization has its quality control system in place. It is targeted at ensuring maintenance of quality and crucial learning that may help improve the quality. However, this is possible only when quality control measures are routinely subjected to performance checks and the data collected is analyzed for insights.
Quality Control Techniques-
Here are a few quality control techniques and methods:
Quality Control Charts
Charts using different variables and quality specifications can display how quality control performs against the target. Any variation in meeting the target can set off inquiry and remedial process. The data over time can indicate the weak spots in the quality control mechanism.
Taguchi Method
Continuous research and development for efficient design solutions are also part of quality control. Called Taguchi quality control methods, they lead to a reduction in the number of defects and failures. Taguchi's methods aim at improving the design to reduce defects and failures. They lay more emphasis on design than on the manufacturing process.
100% Inspection Method
In this method, all product parts are assessed as quality control. Typically, this method is used in products made of high-value metals. It involves the manufacturing process data and appropriate software.
X-Bar Chart
This is another very common quality control measurement tool that tracks the variance of sample products for their tested attributes. The y-axis represents the accepted levels of variance of the tested attributes, while the x-axis represents the samples being tested. Analyzing the variance data can shed light on the efficiency of quality control measures and identify the problems areas.
Quality Control Professionals
Keeping a tab on the entire manufacturing requires professionals with appropriate training. Usually, quality control inspectors are important functionaries at the junior level. In contrast, the quality control department may have a more professional process and ensure that all quality control measures are efficiently working.
What Are the Benefits of Quality Control?
Several quality control benefits improve the end product. In this section, we will go through some advantages of quality control:
- When quality control measures are implemented, employees in the firm will focus on fulfilling these standards, resulting in a richer end product. This will help develop the concentration and focus of the workers in the company.
- As the overall quality of the finished product improves, this will help earn consumer trust and improve the customer's overall experience with the product.
- Quality control will also assist businesses in lowering overall expenses because all processes will be examined and adjusted so that they do not have to be repeated. This will cut down on worker wastage, lowering total expenditures.
What is Six Sigma?
Introduced in 1986 at Motorola by engineer Bill Smith, Six Sigma has become a globally recognized quality control benchmark. It lays down an elaborate system to ensure the highest degree of defect-free production.
Six sigma is a collection of principles that govern how a company's quality control procedure should be carried out. This procedure uses statistical models and data to reduce the organization's errors, guaranteeing that the finished result is of the highest quality while saving the company money.
There are different levels within the broad Six Sigma certification. These include the White Belt, Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt, and Master Black Belt Six Sigma certifications.
Staragile offers different Six Sigma courses leasing to certifications. For Six Sigma Green Belt certification online, the candidate must have at least three years of work experience. The employment must also be full-time; part-time occupations are not considered.
In Conclusion
Brands are made on stringent quality control features at the production facilities. To ensure quality control in a sustained manner, specially trained professionals are needed. Six Sigma certification, for example, is an industry benchmark for quality control. StarAgile offers a Six Sigma Green Belt certification aligned with ASQ & IAASC with 100% post-certification support. Enroll today and become an expert in quality management and open up doors to a high-paying career.